Nature May Hold the Next Great Cancer Drug


natureScientists know there are medical miracles locked inside Mother Nature. They’ve found some already. The National Institutes of Health spent over $183 million on just one research project that brought Taxol (one of the best breast cancer and ovarian cancer drugs currently available) to market.

This is just one of seven plant-derived anticancer drugs that have received FDA approval for commercial production. Two of these anticancer drugs are derived from a tree native to China, Camptotheca acuminate, and they are used to treat lung and ovarian cancer and colorectal cancer.

Besides the search for anticancer agents, plants are being screened for anti-AIDS compounds. Five chemicals showing significant activity against AIDS have been isolated.

Two are from trees found in Malaysia and one from the saltbush shrub of western Australia.
Scientists have also been turning to the oceans in the hope of finding new anticancer candidates in and among marine organisms. This search has produced four anticancer candidates; one from Comoros Islands large sea slug, a Caribbean sea squirt, a tiny moss animal from off the California coast, and a New Zealand sponge. The coral reefs are considered the rain forests of the ocean. In just one square meter of a coral reef, you have over 1,000 different species.

At the same time, vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements have been gaining the attention of top medical researchers. Leading centers have substantially increased funding for research involving supplements and their effects on cancer. Once considered hogwash, dietary supplements have become the subjects of serious cancer research.

Clinical trials are proliferating. Even the National Cancer Institute is currently recruiting subjects for cancer related clinical trials using dietary supplements. Each month study results are published in credible medical journals that report the benefits of vitamins, minerals and herbs on diseases, including cancer.

Why the recent emphasis on supplements? Despite the rapid pace at which conventional medicine is advancing, the overall medical system is fraught with serious problems. Many people facing cancer are left feeling helpless and hopeless. Americans are turning to alternative therapies in ever-increasing numbers. This phenomenal increase is pushing government sponsored and independent research and will for years to come.

Look for study results on lycopene, vitamins A, C and E, Co Q-10, and Wormwood - just to name a few. Of course, one of the main goals is to insure the safety in using alternative therapies. We have a way to go, with many results being far from conclusive; but knowing credible research involving dietary supplements and the associated funding for these studies is a huge step.

Americans should turn to reliable and published studies when making their decisions on what supplements to take. They have information to help them know what is safe and effective and what is just a waste of money. If you cannot confirm information being fed to you from someone trying to sell you a product, then you best not believe that information.


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Layered Inception strongly supports individuals becoming proactive in their health care.  We encourage preventative health care measures and promote patient - professional health care communication.  For those reasons, these health news articles are provided for your convenience. We hope they help facilitate communication regarding your health concerns with your health care provider.  They are not intended to be used as a self diagnostic tool.  Referred to study results are applicable only to those study participants and should not be assumed applicable to everyone.   As you, in discussion with your health care professional, decide on the vitamins and dietary supplements that would be beneficiary for you, we hope that your selections include OneLifeUSA products. Your business is appreciated and your satisfaction is important to us.

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