Simple Ways to Avoid the Flu

With the cold and flu season getting off to a running start, coupled with the news that strains of bird flu previously thought not to be contagious to humans, now presenting itself as indeed infecting (and killing) humans… it is a great time for a few flu season tips!

Aging Increases Vitamin Needs:

How to cover your nutritional bases

Scientists haven’t figured out how to stop birthdays every year, however, most experts agree: You can lessen the damaging effects of free radicals (highly charged, unstable substances in the body), which cause aging

Anti-Oxidant Vitamins Cut Mortality Risk

Data from an extensive study conducted over a period of eleven years suggests users of anti-oxidant vitamin supplements may be at a reduced risk of cancer mortality, as well as premature death in general.

Travel Safe- AntiOxidants Work!

Summer time equals vacation! Don’t let an illness ruin your plans! AntiOxidants Work!

OneLifeUSA’s Anti-Oxidant Works! Study Shows

Over 20 years ago the ingredients in our Advanced Anti-Oxidant formula in a base of Echinacea and garlic was first put into a single capsule. With the birth of this formula, also came the slogan for our company: ‘You May Never Be Sick Again!’

The Art Of Self Defense

Your body knows this all too well and has an automatic built-in defense network that works every second, repelling and eliminating dangerous organisms that threaten your well-being. We know that proper nutritional support is vital for the functioning of your immune system and the primary goal related to immunity is not to get sick.

Anti-Oxidants: The Bottom Line

Growing up you probably heard "Eat your vegetables", more times than you care to remember. Your mother knew they were good for you, but maybe didn’t know exactly why. There was no one particular vegetable considered better than another; they were all important and each contributed to your good nutrition.

Data Shows: Flu Season Only Getting Worse!
The nation’s early flu season continues to grow in the U.S. this week, with no sign yet of a peak. Latest reports show the flu hitting 41 states, from coast to coast, with this number continuing to grow.

Trying to avoid colds and flu?
"You can't underestimate the importance of good nutrition when it comes to...your immune system," says Karen Ansel, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants—these keep your body strong, and without them you're not giving your body the edge it needs to ward off infection."

The ‘How To’s’ of the Flu Season
Regardless of the flu strain, the message for good health and your best chances for avoiding this year’s dreaded flu remains the same: Keep your immune system strong so that your body has a fighting chance.

Super Hero Vitamin Fights Off Infection Too!
There have been so many studies recently published showing the crucial health benefits of vitamin D that this paper isn’t big enough to hold them all.

Garlic Fights Cold and Flu
A recent study released from the University of Florida provided results that further add to the arsenal of evidence that shows why One LifeUsA’s Advanced Anti-oxidant in a base of Echinacea and Garlic has such a phenomenal track record in keeping its users cold and flu free!